Monday, February 13, 2012

I am SO sorry!

Not too long ago I was attending Club Rush with Tower.  

Not that we needed more friends or anything… but clubs could be fun.  I mean, we’re rolling in friends.  Friends out the ying yang.  Friends EVERYWHERE.  Friday nights we’re hitting up the clubs with our entourage.

ANYWAY... we’re in line for film club, minding our own business, and quickly growing tired of waiting for the chatty people in front of us to finish up.  Apparently they NEEDED to know if Film Club would be showing some obscure Liam Neeson movie.  They took far too long to figure this out, because some dude sidled up to me and tried to strike up a conversation.  

Put yourself in my socially awkward shoes.  I can barely handle talking to people that I know well, let alone new people.  And when this dude who is so tall that he towers over me decides to walk up to me and suddenly assert a ridiculously difficult question that (in it’s own right) deserves hours, nay, DAYS of soul searching, I’m bound to blurt out something confused that I don’t really mean.  

Now, this is not a true statement.  My favorite movie isn’t Iron Man, while my favorite actor IS Robert Downey Jr.  He is a fantastic actor, and a ridiculously attractive man to boot.  But it’s not like I’m obsessed or anything.  I just really enjoy his work.

My answer was met with the simultaneously the most cold, disbelieving, and disapproving look I’ve seen anyone give me EVER.

He moved in a little closer, and whilst towering over me, uttered the following four words in the most disdainful manner, and then fled the scene so fast he just about vanished.

Now, being insulted by random people isn’t something that is new to me (this will come up again, I'm sure).  But this one took me by surprise for some reason, leaving me to feel confused, irritated, and annoyed as can be.

5 minutes later...



And then it hit me.

Et tu, life?

I mean, that’s ridiculous.  I’m generally a very kind and patient person.  But the one person I allow myself to get angry at, unbeknownst to me, has a mental handicap?  Not cool.

While I was neck deep in a sludge-like puddle of self loathing, Tower asked:

Lesson to be learned: Be nice to EVERYONE.  You never know when you'll end up looking like a total jerk if you don't.

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